
January 28, 2010

When things get tough...

the only thing left to do is to Google it.
i'm googling for my chemistry lab report experiment 3.

these days.
just google and you'll get thousands of solution if you're lucky.
but hey. i'm sure lots of you are very lucky.
lots of people solve others' problem online now.
but do they solve their's?

January 26, 2010

Priority Crisis

which comes first? this or that? how do i overcome this?
i know the answer. just don't have the strength to act.

where to get the strength? need a point to start and a destination to stop

January 24, 2010

Funnny isn't it?


I found it a bit funny how people get sociable online but not in real time, real life.

Hey, i'm not talking about anybody, ok. I myself do that sometimes. Huahaha.

They get so lively and cheerful in social networking sites, instant messaging softwares, SMS, videos, pictures. Maybe it's just how they roll. What they choose to be.

What makes a personality? I would say the upbringing, the choices that person made during his/her childhood, and of course their own effort; all during their childhood times up until they're an adult.

Some people started making choices since early primary school, and some are a bit late than that. I do believe choices made during childhood times are the most influential. It's because it is the earliest choice made and the one that will probably stay in your head longer


January 22, 2010



-We want to do good. But are we good in doing good?

-Is this the future me? The decision is now. Not later

-Berjalan-jalan melihat alam. Burung dan. Juga haiwan

-Cukup? Boleh pergi? Rugi ke tak? Pengalaman.

putih,kuning,biru,merah,ungu,merah jambu,jingga,hijau,hitam,emas.

putih,merah,kuning,hijau,coklat,biru,merah jambu,hitam



January 20, 2010



Tadi aku dah ada bende nak kongsi hari ni. Tapi dah lupa.
Cuba kita sama-sama fikirkan balik, ingatkan balik.
Apa yang kita dah lupa hari ni?

Lupa makan ke, basuh baju ke, lupa siapkan assignment hntr esok ke.
Berjayakah kita nak ingatkan apayang kita dah lupa?
Kita dah lupa, apa cara kita nak ingatkan balik?

Jerit? Lari keliling padang? Tengok kucing makan kat bawah kereta dekat dengan gerai makan tepi jalan?


January 18, 2010

Minah Beng


Ha? INTI dah ada minah beng? apa nak buat ni?



January 15, 2010

So You Think You Know Well


Hi. Ever think that you know someone good enough? Know someone close enough to say , "In this situatuon he/she will most likely bla...bla...bla..." or even "He/she definitely will bla...bla...bla" ???
Then, out of the blue they just changed. Not the same person you have known before? Then you started asking him/her. "What's wrong?", "Is something bothering you?", bla...bla...bla...

Well, maybe you are the one who doesn't know him/her in the first place. That's what most people do. They just know something without knowing they knew it. Where did they get the idea, when did they get it, is there anyone involved before they coined the idea, etc.

Most of us just accept what we know unwillingly. What we know without knowing how we knew it. Where's the source. Most of us accept it without compromising. Why? Maybe because we are not used to be compromising with ourselves. We love to argue, discuss with others, with others' ideas and thoughts. But our own thoughts and ideas? I let you answer that question yourselves.

That's how our community is built. Today's community. We just know that thing is wrong, this is right, that news is bull***t. He is not like that, he is the mastermind for this conspiracy, she is bribing them, she controls her husband, etc. The media has injected in our minds the wrong idea. They convey the news wrongly. What they should do is persuade the people to make an unbiased decision. Not highlight their own idea. When i say media, this goes to everything you can classify as media.TVs, radios, newspapers, flyers, talks, CDs, DVDs, cassette, BluRay, audio file, video file, YouTube, anything you can get your hands on. Anything that tells you something. Even your friends and family are medias as well.

Without having any close relation to the situation, most of us simply have their idea as the best, the greatest, the one and only true way. How could that be? How could that be if we're not closely associated to the issue and we're not even good at it. I'm not saying excellent or great, but NOT EVEN GOOD.

If you want to know someone, just ask. Just go and say, "Hi, my name's Risham. What's yours?" or something like that. Don't just assume you know them just because you hang out with them.


January 13, 2010

INTI Goes Green, Student Goes Broke?


New policy. Less Styrofoam. Price rise. Who to blame? Those who litter? Those who made the policy?

Any idea to solve this problem?


Credits : Rasyad, for the idea on this argument

January 11, 2010

Risham Fikir kini selangkah ke hadapan. Yeah !


Tadi Risham saja-saja lah semak PR Risham Fikir ni. Nak tau dpt berapa? Sila semak 'button' kecik kt 'sidebar.

Teruskan menyokong Risham Fikir !
Fighting !


Risham Fikir Mini !


Hari ni Risham ada berita sikit. Risham Fikir dah boleh diakses melalui telefon bimbit pintar (smartphone) ataupun komputer bimbit (Pocket PC) mahupun iPhone sekali. Asalkan telefon anda boleh menggunakan WAP, atau GPRS, atau Internet ; anda pasti boleh melayari laman ini di mana saja anda berada.

Untuk pembacaan mudah, pastikan anda melayari laman baru Risham Fikir ini dengan resolusi lebar skrin 320 piksel.

Laman baru ini akan ada semua 'posts' terdahulu dan akan datang.

Akhir kata, teruskan menyokong Risham Fikir. Fighting!

Risham Fikir Mini

Amaran ! : Link di atas BUKAN hyperlink. Ia hanya untuk diakses melalui medium-medium yang telah disebut di atas.

January 06, 2010

Doktor Sawit


Situasi ni selalu berlaku. Mana-mana. Siapa-siapa.

A : Satu keluarga kena bunuh!
B : Kes apa?
A : Samun
B : Ini kes doktor lah ni.
A : Doktor mana pulak?
B : Doktor sawit!
A : Ohh...

Nama watak, gaya bahasa, dan perkataan yang digunakan hanyalah gambaran semata-mata. Tidak ada kena-mengena dan tidak ada unsur menuduh sama ada mereka yang masih hidup mahupun yang telah meninggal dunia.


January 04, 2010



Cerita pasal penyapu ni dah biasa dah. Mana-mana ada penyapu. Belakang rumah, dalam stor, dalam masjid, dan tempat-tempat yang difikirkan sesuai. Tapi kekadang ada jugak orang yang tak tahu mana nak letak penyapu ni. Aku cukup geram betul orang-orang camni.


Bunyi ni sebenarnya memang sedap. Tapi untuk beberapa ketika jelah. Tapi kalau dah slow pun nak bunyi jugak penyapu tu, dah tak sedap lah jadik eh. Laie menyampah ado. Buek sakit telingo. Kalau laju buleh laie bajet keto F1 lalu ko, jet lalu ko, sekilas yo dongar eh. Ini tidak. Slow pun mcm tu, laju pun camtu jugak. Makan minyak adolah.

Tapi, kemungkinan ada kerosakan pada kereta tu. Jadi disarankan kepada pemilik kereta agar segera menampal mana-mana lubang atau rekahan dengan produk-produk keluaran Alseal ni. Mungkin berkesan menghilangkan bunyi penyapu yang degil.

Kalau anda mencari konklusinya hasil taip ni, cuba dengar balik lagu hujan. Mungkin anda akan bertemu jawapannya di situ.
